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Assuring Autonomy International ProgrammeHow to achieve safe, trusted, and resilient autonomous systems: answering the regulators' questionsHow the AAIP’s research is answering the questions about how to develop and regulate safe autonomous systemsJul 25, 2022Jul 25, 2022
Lorenn RusterMission accepted: my PhD research topic on dignity-centred AI development in 5 need-to-know pointsInvestigating leverage points that enable &thwart dignity-centred Artificial Intelligence development in entrepreneurial ecosystems.Jul 27, 2022Jul 27, 2022
Rich HeimannThe Age of AI-ismThe Age of AI: And Our Human Future by Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, and Daniel Huttenlocher describes itself as “an essential roadmap to…Jul 26, 2022Jul 26, 2022
Rachel ThomasThe tech industry is failing people with disabilities and chronic illnessesThe creators of our technology need to be representative of the people using it, which includes people with disabilities & chronic…Jan 21, 20198Jan 21, 20198
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Eric WeinerFive Questions to Ask of Any New Technology“Because we can” is not an adequate reason to pursue a new technology. Nor is “because it is new.”Jun 16, 202236Jun 16, 202236
InDoteveryonebyRachel ColdicuttTech ethics, who are they good for?For ethical declarations or principles to be taken seriously they need to have subjects. It needs to be clear who they are referring toJun 8, 2018Jun 8, 2018
Scott WortleyLegislative drafting exercise for students — 2022AN INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSEJun 4, 2022Jun 4, 2022